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Resources for Assistance

There is no central location in Grant County for resources so it can become overwhelming to find what you need. We have listed information regarding additional housing resources, food, transportation, utility, youth, and senior services. We hope the information listed below will be of assistance.



Click on the resources listed in blue to access additional resources/information.

​ (formerly GoSection8) - Find affordable housing in your area, list your affordable property and locate housing resources.


Affordable Housing Listing - affordable housing list for KY (subject to change) 


Affordable Housing in Your Area - Put in your zip code for a list of properties in your area that are income based, accept Section 8 and affordable.


Brighten Center - Provide a wide range of programs and services which include meeting basic needs, adult and early childhood education, workforce development, substance abuse recovery for women, affordable housing, financial education and counseling, youth services, and neighborhood based programs.


Cabinet for Families and Children - Food stamps, Medicaid, childcare assistance 120 N. Main Street Ste. 1, Williamstown (859)824-4471 


Grant County Resource List - Grant County Schools has a great list of local resources for food, church, clothing, housing, etc

​ KY online resource for connecting with KY assistance and other benefits.


FTSB - Is a public transportation service and Medicaid broker 


USA.Gov - Resource page for government programs that may help you pay for food, housing, health care, and other basic living expense


G.C. Adult Education - Assistance with education and GED 


Helping Hands - Provides assistance to needy families (859)823-0286


Housing Authority of Williamstown - Low-income housing and Helton Pointe Apartments


HUD - Office of Housing and Urban Development


KPAP - Kentucky Prescription Assistance Program helps qualified people obtain their prescription medications through assistance programs.


NKCAC - Provides resources such as energy assistance and financial budgeting 


NKY Health Department - Contact them for Health, Vaccinations, and WIC 


Public Housing Fact Sheet - explains rent calculation, deductions, and the public housing program


Section 8 - Section 8 in Grant County is administered by the KY housing.


Shelter, healthcare and clothing - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Find Shelter tool provides information about housing, shelter, health care, and clothing resources in communities across the country.


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We are an Equal Housing Opportunity Provider. We provide housing without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, physical or mental handicap, familial status, national origin, or other protected class.

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